Will Karrueche FINALLY let Chris Brown go? How YOU can avoid Falling In Love in a HOPELESS place!
By now, we’ve all tuned in, seen memes or at least heard about Karrueche Tran’s interview with Iyanla Vanzant.
In case you’ve been living under a rock, here is a brief synopsis of the entire situation:
Karrueche Tran met and fell in love with Megastar Chris Brown who’s tumultuous relationship with Megastar Rhianna left him and his career in the wake of public scrutiny from every angle imaginable. Brown was seen as violent and many thought he would never gain redemption. His many hostile interviews and outbursts only added to the havoc that surrounded him. Amidst the drama, Brown managed to start a love affair with Tran, a petite unknown woman from Los Angeles, California.
Their relationship ups and downs have also played out very pubically. In a recent social media meltdown, Brown confronted Karrueche and reminded her and told the world that they initially only formed a bond because they engaged in threesomes together!
“When this relationship first started u knew what it was and even participated in threesomes,” he continued. “I slowed all that shit down. So let’s not try to save face for public opinion because I don’t need to play victim so people can take my side. All these celebrity n—as ain’t s–t and focus only on themselves. I made it clear to the world who my girl was and made your life equal to mine even at the cost of me not focusing on my career at times. So miss me wit the bulls–t. No y’all know the real.”
-via from Chris Brown’s Instagram
At one point, Chris Brown admitted to being in love with both Rhianna, his ex and Karrueche, his new woman. Seemingly, the final straw happened early March 2015, when the story broke that Chris Brown had fathered a child outside of his relationship with Tran. It seems like the bomb was dropped on her the same day that the rest of the world found out.
We were all waiting to see what would happen next in their scandal ridden relationship! #BlackTwitter was on fire! Legions of people took to Karrueche’s instagram to taunt her by posting baby emojis and of course we all imagined that Rhianna was getting a good laugh out of all of this. If you recall, the two ladies were entangled in a subtweeting social media battle for a while. (Rhianna and her Navy bullied Tran into submission). When the new baby bomb dropped , I’m sure Rhianna was probably thanking her lucky stars that she’d distanced herself from Chris Brown and his drama!

What would you do?
Let’s put ourselves in Karrueche’s shoes for a second (probably a pair of Louboutins that Chris Brown bought her). This girl rose to fame because of her man. She’s cute but has no known talent. Her entire livelihood and lifestyle comes from the relationship. We’ve seen Karrueche get emotionally dragged, embarrassed and disrespected repeatedly by Chris and she’s always done the same thing. Their pattern is as follows:
1. Chris cheats
2. Karrueche distances herself from him
3. Chris rekindles things with Rhianna (whom I think he’s still madly in love with) or some other woman
4. Like magic, Chris and Karrueche reappear on our timelines as a happy couple
5. See #1
She’s in love right? Or is she just a pathetic woman with low self worth? Or does she simply need Chris to keep paying that Lamborghini note until she can turn her newly forged modeling career into sustainable income!?
At, what point do we ALL take a look in the mirror and acknowledge that we have accepted less that stellar treatment under the guise of being in love? Sometimes love makes you do REAL DUMB stuff! I’ve seen mostly woman attack Tran and her decision to try to maintain the relationship with Chris Brown. Many have charged her with being the “stupidest chic they’ve ever seen”. Others have diminished her to “deserving of getting cheated on by Chris Brown because she keeps taking him back.” The brutality of the judgement in which this reluctant public figure is receiving is unbelievable. Many of you claim, you would leave if you were her, but you’re still with your man even though he still spends the night at his baby mama’s house because, “he wants to be close to his kid”. GIRL BYE! I’d love to see a woman in love just up and leave after her man’s first indiscretion! You’d stay, cry, kick, scream, but ultimately you give him a second chance (which will more likely turn into a 3rd, 4th, 5th etc chance)!
How to not end up like Karrueche
1. Know when Enough is ENOUGH. I’m not saying women are weak, emotion driven creatures. However, many of us will make sacrifices for love. Girl, learn your limits. They will be tested. When a man pushes you beyond your realm of comfort without regard for your feelings, you know what time it is!
2. Be up front about your NON NEGOTIABLES. People change and so does the cohesiveness of relationships. The last thing you’d want to happen is for your mate to proclaim that you simply were not clear about your expectations of him from Day 1. When you get uncomfortable, say something! Just sit back and observe his behavior. If a man loves you he will make necessary (reasonable) changes to meet your emotional, physical, financial and spiritual needs.
3. Make sure your man loves himself.
I am always stressing the importance of self love! When a man loves himself and truly knows who he is, at least he can reveal person that to you. You’re well equipped to make a decision on if he deserves a special place in your life or if you should maintain a healthy distance until he gets it together.
4. Have a council of women that you trust. You need a good girlfriend or two that will help you snap out of a funk. You need a good girlfriend that can be brutally honest with you. You need someone that you bounce ideas off of. Many times, we isolate of ourselves and the unfavorable happenings in our relationships in order to preserve its’ image with our friends and family. This is all good, but what happens when you need a shoulder to lean on or atleast a voice of reason?
5. Respect yourself. I often laugh when people get all up in arms because they feel disrespected by others. TI once said, “I’ll die for my respect.” WAIT, WHAT??? I don’t know about you, but it’s not that serious for me. I do not expect everyone to view me as an educated, talented, loving, Christian, Black woman with good credit, from a 2 parent household and no issues. I do realize that often times, people, will view you as they view themselves. If they deem you as outclassing them, then they will attempt to make you smaller. Basic human sociology teaches us that fact. It seems that we think RESPECT is something that we’re entitled to. Often times, it’s a right, not a privilege. I will not fight a person because they’ve upset me. I am able to step back and try to see the world through their eyes. If they are a damaged person, then more than likely their qualms are not with me, they are internal. Do not take it so personally when a man cannot love you in a way that maximizes you. He may not have the tools to succeed in a relationship with you. Point blank, do not shortchange yourself. Value yourself enough to leave, either he will shape up or you’ll have to ship him out!
6. Have a little seed money. It’s a cold, dark place when your entire well being is based upon a man’s income! What happens when he leaves you? What happens when he wants to upgrade? If you do not have your own source of sustainable income, your lifestyle may drastically change. The last thing you want is to be forced to stay in a less than favorable relationship because you have no way to make money. I’ve seen it happen all the time! Women get comfortable and when a relationship ends, they’re begging for cash from a man that has moved along. Save up for a rainy day! You should always have atleast 3 months living expenses set aside for your own peace of mind.
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