Check out my Wedding Blog
My Wedding Video!
In honor of Valentine’s Day, here’s a short clip of the most beautiful day of my life, my Wedding Day! While it’s impossible to have captured all the love and excitement that filled the place on our Wedding Day, I think this gives a small glimpse of the festivities. Check out www.MissNaja.com/wedding and www.TonyandNaja.com for […]

How to get President Obama to send you a WEDDING Greeting!!!!
We’re quickly nearing the end of an era. The family that brought about Change and the Audacity of Hope is moving on to greener pastures. The Obama’s will soon be leaving the White House and with that, YOUR last opportunity to get a Wedding Salutation from our 1st African American President and 1st Lady!!!!! As you […]

Miss Naja & her Bridal Party BREAK THE INTERNET
Thanks for subscribing to my blog, MissNaja.com! If you’re new here, then you’re in for a treat. If you’re a long time supporter, then welcome back! I’ve been away for a bit, but most of you know it’s because I’ve been engulfed in wedding planning! I’m having so much fun with the process (I think […]

Wedding ADVICE: Why you should have a Receiving Line
Our wedding day will be filled with lots of love, celebration and excitement! As the wedding date gets closer, our list of loved ones has grown to almost 300 people! Many Brides have told me that the day takes a year to plan, but it’s over in the blink of an eye. They explain that […]

List of ALL the Little things you don’t wanna forget on your wedding day
I keep a working list of everything that I can even fathom that I’ll need for the Wedding. I do have a Planner, and she’s the BOMB so all of these things are arranged…but me being me, I like to make sure all my bases are covered. I wanted to share my list with you […]

Tony & Naja get PRESIDENTIAL! #EngagementShoot
Location: Turtle Creek, Dallas Photographer: Paul Williams Artistic Director: Zalika Thomas We consider ourselves a pretty photogenic pair, so I came up with the bright idea to do an Engagement shoot every month until our Big Day…..a bit ambitious, I know! Anyway, you’ve seen our Save The Date photos (which we shot in our home […]

FREE Conference calls for your Wedding Party
We’re really lucky! Our Wedding Party is just as excited as we are about our upcoming Nuptials as we are, so we aren’t chasing them down. So far everyone has been compliant, on time and easy-going. Both my fiance and I have used FreeConferenceCall.com to speak to our Wedding Party in order to […]

How to plan the PERFECT Wedding Video
I saw this beautifully captured and edited Wedding Video the other day on my Facebook page and I got motivated to go ahead and write the SHOT LIST for my own Wedding Video. Now keep in mind that my Professional Wedding Videographers already have a list, BUT there are very specific ways in which I’d like […]
Pre- Marital workbook MUST HAVE!!!
My fiance and I have been together for almost 3 years, so we’ve spent extensive time just learning one another. We’ve seen one another in good times and bad times, through sickness and health and through reward and accomplishment. Whenever we go to Dallas to see his family or Memphis to visit my side, we’ve always […]
THE LIST! How to decide who gets invited to your Wedding
Planning your wedding is seriously one of the happiest times in your life AND one of the most stressful. For me, it’s been a bit of both. Weddings tend to bring out the best in people and the worst. Oh and not to mention, when vendors hear the word wedding, the jack up their prices […]
How to create your own Wedding RSVP HOTLINE using Google Voice
To keep the cost of our paper suite down, I was decidedly against having RSVP cards returned by mail. We live in an age where a lot of people handle their business online or by phone, and from there everything is recorded electronically. Not only did I not want the extra costs, I didn’t want […]
How Google Forms SAVED my life! Wedding RSVP’s online!
Before sending out Save The Dates, wedding announcements and especially invitations, you want to verify the correct addresses for your guests! Stamps are now $0.49, so needless to say, haste makes waste. I used Google Forms and it has to be one of Google’s best hidden gems! In order to do this, I created a […]
How I saved $150 on my Save the Date Wedding Announcements!
I know you all have seen all of these cool Save The Dates that other couples are doing, right??!! Some are simple and straight to the point, some are only Text and some engaged couples go ALL out and get super creative. Tony and I are the latter! On top of shooting our own pics […]
Why I chose to have a “No Kids” Wedding
OMG! Everyone seems to be an expert on wedding etiquette. There’s seems to be a process that’s been strategically laid out by our “Nuptial godmothers”. Everything must be done in it’s proper order! Well, after about 2 weeks of extreme pressure from my family, I took a step back and my fiance and I had […]