who is miss naja?
Thanks for visiting my personal blog.
I launched my very 1st website, MissNaja.com in 2014 after running a successful free tumblr blog for many years. At that time, I knew I wanted my brand to have a home of its own and I taught myself to code and build this website! Over the years, I’ve written over 250+ articles on this very site, many were penned before I became a Wife in 2016, a Life Coach in 2018, and a full-time entrepreneur. While I don’t write 10 articles per month on MissNaja.com anymore, I am still around! She’s my 1st baby and this blog is like a time capsule to some major transitional years. These days, I spend my time at my businesses BlendedandBlack.com and VIPStepmom.com. My professional website, NajaHall.com will give you an overview of all of my latest endeavors and contact and booking info. Thank you for being here. It means the world to me.
My Blog

Denim Dreams
Demin was all the rage last summer and the trend even made it over to this year! I’ve never been a huge fan of jeans, but I have found a few pieces that I fell in love with. Of course, both the dress and jeans have a bit of lycra, because I […]

Black Superhero
While walking through Harlem, my guy and I stumbled upon Harlem Underground. They had t-shirts with our images already on them!!! Hahahaha! We got the shirts for around $42 each and they come in an array of sizes, colorways and cotton-grade. Up! Up! And AWAY!!!!

The Belle of the Ball
I initially saw this gown on Draya from BBWLA. When I looked around at online retailers, I knew the dress would never arrive in time for the formal that I had to attend. After getting quotes ranging from $400 to $500, I found an awesome seamstress in Queens, NY that charged me SIGNIFICANTLY LESS! My […]

Walking in Memphis
This simple t-shirt and cutoffs look was inspired by my Hometown friend, Elliot Sayles. He came up with a line of tees that embody Memphis colloquialisms. Back home in Memphis, we use the word MANE interchangeably! It’s a person, place or thing….it’s a form of expression. Sometimes, it […]

Hey Black People! Why don’t you guys GET OVER IT ALREADY!
I recently listened to a thought provoking Sunday Sermon at 1st Corinthians Baptist Church in Harlem, USA. The preacher was especially riled up! He exchanged his normal eloquent tone for a passionate, urgent and furious one. Pastor Calvin Waldron called the entire community to action. He employed his congregation to challenge the young people in our community, […]

What we know about the death of #Sandra Bland so far
This is a deviation from our usual Happy Friday post, but I felt the need to deliver the most current information on the Sandra Bland case. The stories are conflicting, brutal and confusing. While Bland’s family claims she had no reason to commit suicide, the autopsy has confirmed that Sandra Bland’s injuries were self inflicted. […]

It’s my birthday and my 8- year New York Anniversary!
I’ve had the longest day ever and it feels so good to be cuddled in my favorite spot, next to my favorite person. We’re watching our latest Netflix addiction, Fringe. My birthday is tomorrow and I can’t help but smile over how much life has changed. As I sit in reflection over the past 8 […]

MissNajaSays: Lalah Hathaway can sing 3 notes at ONE TIME!
While I’m sitting here trying to sing in one chord, Lalah Hathaway (daughter of Donnie Hathaway) has pulled out a grand seat for me! Check her out on this video HARMONIZING WITH HERSELF! Some even argue that she is singing in a tri-chord method. The video in its entirety, is amazingly creative, especially the part […]

A dose of Monday PRIDE!
This was a note that I wrote to myself yesterday before church. As I lay in bed scrolling through my social media feeds, I noticed that Facebook created a Gay Pride app that allows users to put a rainbow over any selected picture. This was a beautiful gesture of support to the LGBTQ community. I […]

Screening of Micheal Pinckney’s film, The Trade
Last night, my dear friend and colleague held a screening for his film, The Trade, in Tribeca! Here’s a brief synopsis of the project and a few flicks that I snapped with other industry insiders! In case you don’t recognize me, I’m the shiny one! hahaha! THE TRADE offers a fully exposed view of the […]
Love Conquers ALL. Couple married 62 years, die 4 hours apart
This story is about a year old, but it’s still a beautiful testimony to the infinite power of love and dedication. I hope you are as inspired by it as I have been! We should all be so blessed! MissNaja This undated photo provided by their granddaughter Melissa Sloan shows Don Simpson and his wife […]
The Breakup Breakdown: How to GRACEFULLY go from TAKEN to Single
When I came across this clip, I immediately thought of every woman I know! I thought about the countless times I’ve had to either seek counsel or give counsel because some boy caused pain. I wrote this article with our girlfriends and sisters in mind! We have all had those moments when we’ve wanted […]
Ugly Engagement Rings
Hey everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve added a post to the site, but needless to say, I’ve been a busy bee! I usually update my social media networks daily so for those of you that are not linked to my Instagram, please click here. Life is moving faster than I can keep up […]
Grab your tissues! Woman Gives Birth After Being Diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast Cancer
The emotions that come with childbirth can be hard to contain as it is, but when your pregnancy is mired with the realization that you have Stage 3 breast cancer, it’s hard to imagine the feelings you’d have when you finally get to meet your baby, after months of chemotherapy treatments and a mastectomy. It’s […]
Don’t CRY mommy! Grow your daughter’s hair in NO time! Guide to growing your African American daughter’s hair
Your daughter is NOT her hair. Start from within. While I vehemently disagree with putting relaxers, excessive heat or extensions in young girls hair, many mom’s opt for these measures because they simply want their babies to feel “pretty”. Long, straight hair should not be the standard at which your baby girl identifies her personal […]
What is TIDAL and how much does it cost?
What is TIDAL? What’s the bottom line? How much does Tidal cost? Final Answer. Is it worth it? Basically it’s a smart-looking, content-packed service for streaming CD-quality music. Rapper turned mogul Jay Z created quite a stir last week during the Press Conference for his latest venture, TIDAL music streaming service. Tidal has been around for […]
Will Karrueche FINALLY let Chris Brown go? How YOU can avoid Falling In Love in a HOPELESS place!
By now, we’ve all tuned in, seen memes or at least heard about Karrueche Tran’s interview with Iyanla Vanzant. In case you’ve been living under a rock, here is a brief synopsis of the entire situation: Karrueche Tran met and fell in love with Megastar Chris Brown who’s tumultuous relationship with Megastar Rhianna left him […]
Unleash your Inner Millionaire Today! #BusinessRulesForWomen
As I was scrolling my Instagram feed during my morning tea, I came across the hashtag #BusinessRulesForWomen. I was instantaneously inspired by the awesome quotes and memes. I put a few of them together for you ladies as well! Feel free to screenshot and be sure to use the hashtag #BusinessRulesForWomen And don’t forget to […]
The Four Types of Cheaters. Is YOUR man one of them?
Happy Monday folks! I am so pleased to share this piece with you all! My awesome boyfriend/partner/best friend, whom you’ve seen splashed all over the blog and my social media, has penned this piece for MissNaja.com. Be sure to stay updated on the most recent articles and subscribe (for FREE) to MissNaja.com! Next week we will […]
EMPIRE Season Finale Review
Is Lee Daniels pushing the Gay Agenda on Empire? Hell yes! He’s the Director of the show and he also happens to be a gay man. I cannot really blame him for feeding us humanizing and sympathetic images of homosexuality. He’s created a likeable character, Jamal Lyon, that was tortured by his evil father, […]