Miss Naja & her Bridal Party BREAK THE INTERNET
Thanks for subscribing to my blog, MissNaja.com! If you’re new here, then you’re in for a treat. If you’re a long time supporter, then welcome back! I’ve been away for a bit, but most of you know it’s because I’ve been engulfed in wedding planning! I’m having so much fun with the process (I think I’ve found a new side hustle)! I do try to share wedding details for those of you that are planning your nuptials as well, so feel free to check out my wedding blog!
Also if you need inspiration for your wedding website, check out the mobile friendly/interactive site I built here!
So most of you have seen the pics, called me, reposted the pics or have gone bananas in the comments section of blogs that have used our pics! Last week, I got to scratch off another thing from my Bucket List! I BECAME A MEME. Our pictures were copied, stolen, reposted over 250,000 times! I think it’s my cousin, Brittney’s coke Bottle shape or my girl Ceresia’s charming smile that garnered all of the likes, BUT the world may never know! Check out a few of the images below!
Special thanks to all of my girls for making Naja’s Bachelorette Weekend unforgettable! Holla at me on Instagram so I can follow back!!!

July 31, 2016 @ 10:14 am
travel themed centerpiece. Each table could have a different destination they ve been to with mementos of their trip there and the theme of the destination. Mapping it out! Travel inspired seating plan and wedding details. Love this idea for an anniversary party for us since we travel a lot.