Ask Dr. Naja- Do I share my casino winnings…
Do I share my casino winnings with my date?
Dr. Naja, Christian here,
I need your help! So this guy took me to the casino for a first date! Pretty different, huh! I wanted to be open minded so I accepted. He gave me $50 to gamble with, and I won $2000!! He never hinted on expecting anything, so I pocketed my money and enjoyed the rest of the evening. Should I have given him a portion of winnings?
Well Christian, it’s simple! Let’s play this fair and straight down the middle, literally. If he hadn’t given the money, you wouldn’t be two racks richer, so its only fair to give him half….OR atleast offer. Most macho men would NEVER accept anything from a lady, even if he was in dire need, but your kind gesture would have shown him that you are a team player, unselfish, thoughtful, not money hungry and generous.
If he would have happened to take the money, then do not count him out. He may gleam at the opportunity to pay off a debt or buy his kid that new thing they’ve been asking for!
Alas, I get a sense that you did not offer. Call him up and invite him to dinner. (I hope he is not turned off by now), pay the tab and as a kind gesture, slip $500 and a nice note in his coat pocket. That was you do not have to get his permission and he will not have the opportunity to turn you down. You are redeemed and he has a small token!
Remember, always be a Blessing to others!
February 25, 2015 @ 5:43 am
Dang she was like I won, sucks for you. I agree with what you said and hopefully he doesn’t blow her off and she gets the chance to redeem herself.
February 25, 2015 @ 9:38 am
I’d love to have an update on how it turned out for them!!! We may never know. lol