How to get President Obama to send you a WEDDING Greeting!!!!
We’re quickly nearing the end of an era. The family that brought about Change and the Audacity of Hope is moving on to greener pastures. The Obama’s will soon be leaving the White House and with that, YOUR last opportunity to get a Wedding Salutation from our 1st African American President and 1st Lady!!!!! As you all know, my wedding is a month away and guess WHAT!!! I finally received my greeting from my friends Barack and Michelle! Check it out below!

The White House offers a program where U.S. citizens can ask the President of the United States to send personalized wedding anniversary cards for couples married 50, 60, or 70 plus years.
Here’s the catch — the White House is pretty busy. They receive 65,000 letters a week, plus around 100,000 emails, 1,000 faxes and 2,500 to 3,500 calls per day for all sorts of things, including greeting requests for wedding anniversaries, birthdays, births, hard work, etc.
In order to make sure your request gets read, address it to “The White House: Greetings Office” (you can even send it online). Send the request at least six weeks in advance and make sure to include all the right information.
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