who is miss naja?
Thanks for visiting my personal blog.
I launched my very 1st website, MissNaja.com in 2014 after running a successful free tumblr blog for many years. At that time, I knew I wanted my brand to have a home of its own and I taught myself to code and build this website! Over the years, I’ve written over 250+ articles on this very site, many were penned before I became a Wife in 2016, a Life Coach in 2018, and a full-time entrepreneur. While I don’t write 10 articles per month on MissNaja.com anymore, I am still around! She’s my 1st baby and this blog is like a time capsule to some major transitional years. These days, I spend my time at my businesses BlendedandBlack.com and VIPStepmom.com. My professional website, NajaHall.com will give you an overview of all of my latest endeavors and contact and booking info. Thank you for being here. It means the world to me.
My Blog
Miss Naja has a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! (Trailer inside)
Check out our trailer on Youtube, Instagram, or Facebook. Hey! Hi! Hiya! It’s me Naja. I’ve been having a little fun since the last time I checked in with you and it’s been a while since I’ve updated MissNaja.com. I’ve been giving all of my attention to my newest websites. Just in case you don’t keep up […]
What’s under my wig? Natural Hair Update
Every year, I show my peeps what’s #UnderTheWig! If you dare to reveal what’s under YOUR wig, please use the hashtag #UnderTheWig so I can repost your picture or video! I’m all about protective styling, but let’s see what’s #UnderTheWig. I started this challenge because I’m part progressive and part nosy LOL! I have been […]

Goal Digger Spotlight: Bossy is as Bossy Does!
I recently got a chance to sit down with my #GoalDigger girlfriend and colleague, Tara Seals. We had a very candid conversation about her journey to becoming a “sista with a good story to tell” to being a publisher author! When I sat down and read her book, I didn’t know what to expect! Tara is highly […]

GET THE LOOK! I bought 4 sexy swimsuits for $60 TOTAL!
My Husband and I just celebrated our 1 year Wedding Anniversary and in true Tony & Naja fashion, we set sail! We decided to take a vacation to Montego Bay, Jamaica. It was heavenly! Get this! We brought my parent’s along too- they were celebrating 40 years of marriage. I’ll post details on the resorts (yes, […]
Reflections: Today is my 10 year New York Anniversary
10 years ago TODAY, I used a 1 way ticket and moved to NEW YORK CITY! I didn’t know exactly what type of artist I wanted become, but as SOON as I landed, I knew NYC would help me figure it out. I’ve changed many times over and I’ve lost often myself, but I never […]

I was raped 96 times by the same Man
It’s been a while since I have update MissNaja! I’ve missed you all! Lately, I’ve been putting all of my energy into my new platform Blended and Black. It’s a solution based community that is focused on mending and blending families. I just received this powerful submission from a member of my 6400 member Blended […]

Goal Digger Spotlight: Miss Naja interviews the REAL LIFE Single Mom that makes $500 a day on the internet!
You all know about my newest platform, Blended and Black right!? It’s for anyone and everyone that is a member of a Blended family, whether you’re all happy and jolly, or not. In the midst of searching for families and people that have been successful in remaining cohesive after divorce or a split, I came […]

10 Things you should be scratching off your To Do List THIS WEEK!
Every Monday, I convert last week’s incomplete to-do list to the current week. I’m happy to say that, for the most part, I only carry over about 3 unfinished tasks. As I was compiling my lists, however, I noticed a major problem. There were some things that lagged way too long on my list. Thankfully, […]

Things pseudo- bourgeois Black girls say and do #NewMoney
Its MONDAY & you all know what time it is!!!! Last week we played the things “New hoteps and #NewWokeNwords Say & Do” game. Today we’re playing the “Things pseudo- bourgeois Black girls say and do- after they get a degree and start making $32K” game! #Ballin #ImRichBiotch #LookLikeSchmoney 1. They overuse the words edify, […]

Dominican Republic SMASH or PASS
Last week the Hubby and I took an excursion to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. We’re 6 months off the heels of our Honeymoon (no we didn’t get detained this time), but we felt it was time to blow off some steam internationally. Dominican Republic is only about a 4 hour flight from NYC and we […]
My Wedding Video!
In honor of Valentine’s Day, here’s a short clip of the most beautiful day of my life, my Wedding Day! While it’s impossible to have captured all the love and excitement that filled the place on our Wedding Day, I think this gives a small glimpse of the festivities. Check out www.MissNaja.com/wedding and www.TonyandNaja.com for […]
#4 Letter from Miss Naja! New Seasons are among us!
Miss Naja has been running for a year and a half and the blog has experienced exponential growth. While my daily views and visibility have grown, so have my networking opportunities and Influence level! You guys visit the blog, so I don’t have to give you a run down, but some of the high traffic […]
How to get President Obama to send you a WEDDING Greeting!!!!
We’re quickly nearing the end of an era. The family that brought about Change and the Audacity of Hope is moving on to greener pastures. The Obama’s will soon be leaving the White House and with that, YOUR last opportunity to get a Wedding Salutation from our 1st African American President and 1st Lady!!!!! As you […]
My granny’s account of the Day MLK died
My paternal grandmother is 85 years old. She came up in a time where law enforcement sprayed protesters with high powered hoses, beat them mercilessly and used trained German Shepherds to attack them. Today, we reflected on the racial injustices, the killings of the Dallas officers and all things in between. She told me about […]
Fast Hors d’Oeuvres: Curry Chicken Saucers! Impress your Guests!
Hey guys! Check out Episode 2 of my new series, Kitchen Vixen! This is perfect for times when you’re a hurry, but you want to impress your guests! Chef Curry brought flavor to Miss Naja’s Kitchen and introduces us to Curry Chicken Saucers! I hope you enjoy! You’re in for a treat! Ingredients: Thin Sliced […]
Miss Naja & her Bridal Party BREAK THE INTERNET
Thanks for subscribing to my blog, MissNaja.com! If you’re new here, then you’re in for a treat. If you’re a long time supporter, then welcome back! I’ve been away for a bit, but most of you know it’s because I’ve been engulfed in wedding planning! I’m having so much fun with the process (I think […]
Sink or Swim! When he’s NOT ready for a RELATIONSHIP
You’ve met this new guy and right when you think you’re on to something, he drops the bomb. He declares that he’s not ready for a relationship. ZAAAAAAAAAAAAMN! It’s happened to the best of us. This man has all of the qualities of your Mr. Right. He’s attentive, he has a beautiful smile, but he’s […]
Wedding ADVICE: Why you should have a Receiving Line
Our wedding day will be filled with lots of love, celebration and excitement! As the wedding date gets closer, our list of loved ones has grown to almost 300 people! Many Brides have told me that the day takes a year to plan, but it’s over in the blink of an eye. They explain that […]
List of ALL the Little things you don’t wanna forget on your wedding day
I keep a working list of everything that I can even fathom that I’ll need for the Wedding. I do have a Planner, and she’s the BOMB so all of these things are arranged…but me being me, I like to make sure all my bases are covered. I wanted to share my list with you […]
Tony & Naja get PRESIDENTIAL! #EngagementShoot
Location: Turtle Creek, Dallas Photographer: Paul Williams Artistic Director: Zalika Thomas We consider ourselves a pretty photogenic pair, so I came up with the bright idea to do an Engagement shoot every month until our Big Day…..a bit ambitious, I know! Anyway, you’ve seen our Save The Date photos (which we shot in our home […]